Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Lab 7.2.6 Configuring a Wireless Client

Step 1: Install the wireless NIC driver 
a. Insert the CD that contains the wireless NIC driver into the CD/DVD drive and install the driver according to the manufacturer recommendations. Most USB devices require that the driver be installed before the device is physically attached. 
b. Who is the manufacturer of the wireless NIC?  Answer will be hardware dependent.Jawaban: WLAN IEEE 802.11 g oleh Linksys 
c. Describe how you installed the wireless NIC driver. Answer will be student dependent
a. Mode Infrastruktur 
1. Konfigurasi Access Point( Wireless Adapter dan Instalasi Access Point) 
2. Konfigurasi Client 
3. Konfigurasi USB Wireless Adapter( Instalasi Usb Wireless Adapter, Koneksi ke Access Point Pada Linksys Network Monitor, danKoneksi ke Access Point Pada Windows)
b. Mode Ad-Hoc 
1. Aktifkan Wireless adapter masing – masing komputer yang akan dihubungkan dengan jaringan 
2. Klik kanan pada icon Network Wireless Connection pada taskbar, lalu pilih View Available Wireless Networks, 
3. Klik Change the order preferred Network maka akan muncul. 
4. Klik Add pada kolom Preferred Network, lalu ketikkan Nama Network yang akan digunakan pada kolom Network Name. contoh nama SSID Broadcasternya adalah Ad Hoc. 
5. Klik Ok
6. Klik refresh Network list maka akan muncul koneksi Ad-Hoc dengan nama SSID Ad Hoc.
7. Kemudian pilihlah opsi Change advance setting maka Klik 2 kali pada opsi internet protoco(TCP/IP) maka akan muncul gambar selanjutnya.
8. Kemudian setting pada masing masing komputer dengan IP address yang berbeda dengan aturan 192.168.1.xxx dengan xxx adalah sesuai angka yang diharapkan dalam range 1s/d 254. misal (
9. tentukan Subnet mask-nya dengan untuk membentuk jaringan lokal. Kosongkan gateawaynya
10. Klik ok untuk verifikasi.
11. Tes koneksi dengan command PING pada command prompt,bila terhubung maka komputer komputer tersebut siap berkomunikasi dalam jaringan Ad-Hoc secara Pear to pear.

Step 2: Install the wireless NIC 
a. When prompted, connect the USB NIC cable to an available USB port. Click Next to continue.

Step 3: Attach to the wireless network 
a. Most wireless NIC adapters have client software to control the NIC. The software shows any wireless networks that are discovered. Select the SSID of the wireless network that you configured on the AP in a previous lab. 
b. Which SSID are you using? Answer is student/network.
Jawaban : linksys 
c. If the wireless NIC did not connect to the wireless network, perform the appropriate troubleshooting. 
d. What is the signal strength for the wireless NIC? Answer is hardware dependent.
Jawaban : linksys 
e. Did the wireless NIC see any other wireless networks in the area? Why or why not? Answer is lab dependent and on how many students are in the lab at once.
Jawaban : Ya. Karena dikampus saya banyakk sinyal wireless yg aktif 
f. Show your active wireless connection to a fellow student or the lab assistant. 
g. What is another name for a wireless host?
Jawaban : Elektronika1, Elektronika 2, Linksys e57, Elektro UNP. 
h. Is it better to use the client software from the wireless NIC manufacturer or let Windows XP control.
Jawaban: Ya. 
i. The wireless NIC? It is better to use client software to control the wireless NIC.
Jawaban: Ya karena cukup mudah dikonfigurasi.

Step 4: Determine the NIC driver version 
a. Hardware manufacturers continually update drivers. The driver that ships with a NIC or other piece of hardware is frequently not the most current.
b. To check the driver version for the NIC you installed, click Start, select Control Panel and then Network Connections. Right-click on the wireless connection and select Properties. Click the Configure button for the NIC and then the Driver tab. What is the name and version of the driver you installed? Answer is hardware dependent.
Jawaban : Linksys version

Step 5: Determine if the NIC driver is the most current 
a. Search the NIC manufacturer web site for drivers that support the wireless NIC you installed. Are there more current ones available? Very possibly
Jawaban : Ya. 
b. What is the most current one listed? Answer is hardware dependent 
c. If there is a more current driver, how would you apply it? Download the driver to a known location on the hard drive and use the Update Driver option from the network connection properties screen.
Jawaban : tidak mendonloadnya karena dapat membuat ke aslian dari software yang sedang dipakai/terinstal terdeteksi dan akan menyebabkan software yang telah terinstal jadi tidak optimal kerjanya.

Step 6: Verify connectivity 
a. Once you have installed the NIC, it is time to verify connectivity with the Linksys WRT300N. 
b. Open a web browser such as Windows Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. 
c. In the address line type, which is the default setting on the AP. 
d. In the Connect to dialog box, leave the username text box empty, and type admin in the password text box. Leave the Remember my password checkbox unchecked. Click OK. 
e. If you receive the Linksys Setup screen, you have established connectivity with the AP. If you do not establish connectivity, you will have to troubleshoot the connection by checking to ensure the devices are turned on and the IP addresses on all devices are correct. Which IP address should be configured on the wireless NIC?Answer should be an IP address in the network

Step 7: Reflection 
a. Do you think the process of setting up a wireless network at a food store or book store is any different from what you just did? Why or why not?. Answer will be student dependent, but they should see that it is no different.
Jawaban : Tidak. Bias saja sama jika menggunakan software yang sama. Pada dasarnya setiap software wireless yang beredar dipasaran itu sama saja hanya interfacenya saja yang sedikit berbeda. 
b. Do you think the AP model that you are using would be sufficient for the food store in your neighborhood? Why or why not? Answer is student’s own opinion.
Jawaban: Ya. IP addressnya harus berbeda, tidak boleh sama.

Lab 7.2.5 Configuring a Wireless Access Point

Step 1: Verify connectivity between the computer and the multi-function device 
a. The computer used to configure the AP should be attached to one of the multi-function device’s switch ports. 
b. On the computer, click the Start button and select Run. Type cmd and click OK or press Enter. 
c. At the command prompt, ping the multi-function device using the default IP address or the IP that has been configured on the multi-function device’s port. Do not proceed until the ping succeeds. 
d. Write down the command used to ping the multi-function device. ping (or whatever IP address was used) 
NOTE: If the ping is not successful, try these troubleshooting steps:
  • Check to make sure the IP address of the computer is on the network. The computer must be on the same network as the multi-function device to be able to ping it. The DHCP service of the multi-function device is enabled by default. If the computer is configured as a DHCP client it should have a valid IP address and subnet mask. If the computer has a static IP address, it must be in on the network and the subnet mask must be The answer : ping -t
  • Make sure the cable is a known-good straight-through cable. Test to verify.
  • Verify that the link light for the port where the computer is attached is lit.
  • Check whether the multi-function device has power.
  • If none of these steps correct the problem, check with your instructor.

Step 2: Log in to the multi-function device and configure the wireless network 
a. Open a web browser. In the address line, type http://ip_address, where ip_address is the IP address of the wireless router (default is At the prompt, leave the user name textbox empty, but type the password assigned to the router. The default password is admin. Click OK. 
b. In the main menu, click on the Wireless option. 
c. In the Basic Wireless Settings window, the Network Mode shows mixed by default, because the AP supports 802.11b, g, and n wireless devices. You can use any of these standards to connect to the AP. If the wireless portion of the multi-function device is NOT being used, the network mode would be set to Disabled. Leave the default of Mixed selected. 
d. Delete the default SSID (linksys) in the Network Name (SSID) textbox. Enter a new SSID using your last name or name chosen by your instructor. SSIDs are case-sensitive. 
e. Write down the exact SSID name that you are using.  The SSID is student dependent 
f. Click on the Radio Band drop-down menu and write down the two options. Standard-20MHz Channel and Wide-40MHz Channel 
g. For a wireless network that can use 802.11b, g, or n client devices, the default is Auto. Auto allows the Wide Channel option to be chosen and gives the best performance. The Standard ChannelWide ChannelAuto selected. option is used if the wireless client devices are 802.11b or g, or both b and g. The option is used if only 802.11n client devices are being used. Leave the default of 
h. SSID Broadcast is set to enabled by default, which enables the AP to periodically send out the SSID using the wireless antenna. Any wireless devices in the area can detect this broadcast. This is how clients detect nearby wireless networks. 
i. Click on the Save Settings button. When the settings have been successfully saved, click on Continue. 
j. The AP is now configured for a wireless network with the name (SSID) that you gave it. It is important to write down this information before starting the next lab or attaching any wireless NICs to the wireless network.

Step 3: Reflection 
a. How many wireless networks do you think could be configured in one classroom? What would limit this? Answer will be student dependent, but depends on which signal power is being used, whether 802.11a, b, g, or n is being used, and how many channels are available for that particular type of wireless network.
Jawaban : 1-50 , dengam membuat password dan batasan Ip address yang bias mengakses. 
b. What do you see as a potential security problem when you broadcast your SSID from the AP?
Jawaban : Answer is student’s own opinion, but one answer is that any wireless device in the area will know
there is a wireless network there. One of the first security threats in wireless is if the intruder knows where a wireless network is located and what the SSID is. Kesulitan dalam mengkonfigurasi , jika salah konfigurasi maka tidak dapat terkoneksi

Lab 6.2.4 Configuring an Email Client

Step 1: Open Microsoft Outlook 
a. From the Start menu, select All Programs. Locate the Microsoft Office software. 
b. Select Microsoft Office Outlook as the email program. If your computer does not have the Microsoft Office software, there are many free email software packages available on the Internet. Search the Internet to find a free email client that can be installed on your computer. The following instructions may vary depending on your email client.
Step 2: Set up an email account 
a. When you first start Microsoft Outlook, a screen appears with Email Upgrade Options. You can choose to import email messages or address books from another account. Because this is your first email account, select the Do Not Upgrade button. 
b. The next screen is the Email Accounts screen where you are asked if you want to configure an email account. Click Yes. 
c. If Outlook has already been installed and setup for e-mail previously, you can start the Outlook application and click Tools, E-Mail Accounts and then select View or change existing e-mailaccount to see how the existing account is set up.

Step 3: Enter POP3 e-mail account information 
a. The next screen requires the user of the new account to fill in information. Enter your name and email address. Your can get your email address from your Internet provider. NOTE: If you do not have a real ISP email account, this step can be treated as a simulation. Just enter the information requested to become familiar with the process of creating an email account. 
b. Enter your server information. Contact your Internet provider to locate the server information for the incoming and outgoing mail servers. Usually Internet providers put this information on their website in their help section. 
c. What is your incoming (POP3) mail server?
Jawaban : Pop3.yahoo.com 
d. What is your outgoing (SMTP) mail server?
Jawaban : Smtp.yahoo.com 
e. Enter your username and password. Do not check the box to remember your password. This option is used when only one person uses the computer. If anyone else were to use the computer, they could easily gain access to all of the information in your email. 
f. Click the Test Account Settings button. If everything is correct, the screen displays that the test was successful. If not, correct your information and try again. NOTE: If this is a simulation, the test will not be successful and you can go to Steps 4 and 5. 
g. Test your new account by sending an email to a friend in class.

Step 4: (Optional) Add another account or change an account 
a. Open Microsoft Outlook. From the Tools menu, select Email Accounts. 
b. In this screen, you can.
Jawaban: yes, I can.

Step 5: Reflection 
a. What are the advantages or disadvantages to using email over regular postal mail?
Jawaban : advantages: Each mail server receives and stores mail for users who have mailboxes configured on the mail server. Each user with a mailbox must then use an email client to access the mail server and read these messages.  Mail servers are also used to send mail addressed to local mailboxes or mailboxes located on other email servers. Dan bisa mengirim file dalam ukuran besar. Disadvantages: interface kurang menarik. 
b. What are the advantages or disadvantages to using email over an instant messaging program?
Jawaban : advantages: mudah digunakan karena lebih familiar, fasilitas lengkap dan  IM client to authenticate to the IM network. Once logged into the server, clients can send messages to other clients in real-time. In addition to text messages, IM supports the transfer of video, music and speech files. IM clients may have a telephony feature, which allows users to make phone calls over the Internet. Additional configuration can be done to customize the IM client with “Buddy Lists” and a personal look and feel. Disadvantages: kadang jaringan memblok akses ini atau tidak mensuportnya , besar file yang dapat ditransfer juga tidak terlalu besar 
c. With a partner, discuss five (5) recommendations for email etiquette that should be considered when emailing friends and business colleagues.

Lab 6.2.3 Exploring FTP

Step 1: Examine FTP from the command prompt 
a. Click the Start button, select Run, type cmd on the command line, and then click OK. 
b. At the prompt, type ftp to start the FTP application. The prompt changes. 
c. From the ftp prompt, type ? to see a list of the commands that can be used in this mode. 
d. List three FTP commands. 
e. At the prompt, type help put to see a short description of the put command. 
f. What is the purpose of the put command?
Jawaban : untuk membantu user jika ada kesalahan yang terjadi 
g. Use the help command again to get the purpose of the get, send, and recv commands. get, send, recv . NOTE: The original FTP commands were PUT to send a file to an FTP server and GET to download a file from the FTP server. You also had to select ASCII or binary file mode. If you download a binary file in ASCII mode it could end up being corrupted. Some of the newer graphical programs now use send and receive in their place. 
h. Partner with another student. Using procedures demonstrated in previous labs, write down the names and IP addresses of each partner computer. It is very important to get these names correct. Some FTP applications allow you to use either the IP address or the computer name.
Step 2: Use a GUI FTP client or web browser 
a. If you are using a web browser as the FTP client, open the web browser and type ftp://ip_address_of_FTP_server. If the FTP server is configured to use an anonymous userID, connect directly to the FTP server. Using the FTP client, download an available file from the server. 
b. If you are using a GUI FTP client, open the application. For most FTP clients, you must configure a new connection by giving it a name, the IP address of the FTP server, and a username and password. You may have to type anonymous if the FTP server allows this type of connection. Some applications have a checkbox that allows an anonymous login. When you have configured the connection, connect to the FTP server and download a file. 
c. What is the name of the file you downloaded from the FTP server?
Jawaban: bluetooth.doc 
d. List one example of when FTP might be beneficial to a computer technician.
Jawaban: The Transfer Protocol (FTP) provides an easy method to transfer files from one computer to another. A host running FTP client software can access an FTP server to perform various file management functions including file uploads and downloads. The FTP server enables a client to exchange files between devices. It also enables clients to manage files remotely by sending file management commands such as delete or rename. To accomplish this, the FTP service uses two different ports to communicate between client and server.

Step 3: (Optional) Use both an FTP server and client 
a. If you control both the FTP server and client, practice sending files to and getting files from the client and the server. 
b. Show your transferred files to another group of students 
c. Close the FTP server and client applications.

Lab 6.2.1 Observing DNS Name Resolution

Step 1: Observe DNS conversion 
a. Click the Start button, select Run, type cmd, and then click OK. The command prompt window appears. 
b. At the command prompt, type ping www.cisco.com. The computer needs to translate www.cisco.com into an IP address so it knows where to send the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets. Ping is a type of ICMP packet. 
c. The first line of the output shows www.cisco.com converted to an IP address by DNS. You should be able to see the effect of DNS even if your school has a firewall that prevents pinging, or if Cisco has prevented people from pinging their web server. 
d. Which IP address is shown on the screen?
Jawaban : 
e. Is it the same as the one shown in the figure? Why do you think this occurred?
Jawaban : Ya. www.cisco.com adalah domain name systemnya sedangkan adalah alamat fisiknya. 
f. Work together with another student and discuss one or two other instances (besides the ping command) in which the computer would use DNS.
Step 2: Verify DNS operation using the nslookup command 
a. At the command prompt, type the nslookup command. 
b. What is the default DNS server being used?
Jawaban : ChaceDNS-JKT2.telkom.net.id 
c. Notice how the command prompt changed. This is the NSLOOKUP prompt. From this prompt, you can enter commands related to DNS. 
d. At the prompt, type ? to see a list of all the available commands that you can use in NSLOOKUPAddress: mode. 
e. Write three commands that you can use with NSLOOKUP 
f. At the NSLOOKUP prompt, type www.cisco.com. 
g. What is the translated IP address?
Jawaban : 
h. Is it the same as the IP address shown with the ping command?
Jawaban : Tidak 
i. At the prompt, type the IP address of the Cisco web server that you just found. You can use NSLOOKUP to get the domain name of an IP address if you do not know the URL. Using the previous procedures, find an IP address associated with www.google.com. 
Jawaban :,,,,,

Step 3: Identify mail servers using the nslookup command 
a. At the prompt, type set type=mx to have NSLOOKUP identify mail servers. 
b. At the prompt, type www.cisco.com. 
c. What is the primary name server, the responsible mail address, and the default Time to Live (TTL)? 
Jawaban : e144.cd.akamaiedgenet
d. At the prompt, type exit to return to the regular command prompt. 
e. At the prompt, type ipconfig /all. 
f. Write the IP addresses of all the DNS servers that your school uses. 
Jawaban : IP address: dan DNS server: dan 
g. Type exit to close the command prompt window.

Step 4: Reflection 
a. If your school did not have a DNS server, what effect would this have on your use of the Internet? 
Jawaban : Request time out. 
b. Some companies do not dedicate a single server for DNS. Instead, the DNS server provides other functions as well. Which functions do you think might be included on a DNS server? Use the ipconfig/all command to help you with this.

Lab 5.1.4 Using the Windows Calculator with Network Addresses

Step 1: Access Windows Calculator and determine mode of operation 
a. From the Start button menu, select All Programs > Accessories, and click on Calculator. An alternate method of starting the Calculator application is to access the Start menu, click on Run, type calc and press Enter. Try both methods. 
b. Once the Calculator application opens, select the View menu option. 
c. Which mode [Standard | Scientific] is currently active? 
Jawaban : Mode yang sedang aktif sekarang adalah Scientific 
d. Select the Standard mode. This is a basic mode for simple calculations. How many mathematical functions are available in this mode?
Jawaban : Fungsi matematika yang ada pada Standart model adalah 7 fungsi matematika
Step 2: Convert between number systems 
a. Access Scientific mode. Notice the number system modes available—Hex (Hexadecimal), Dec (Decimal), Oct (Octal), and Bin (Binary). 
b. Which number system is currently active?
Jawaban : System bilangan yang sedang aktif pada model Scientific adalah  Decimal. 
c. Which numbers on the number pad are active in Decimal mode?
Jawaban : Bilangan yang aktif adalah : 
Click on the Bin (Binary) mode radio button. Which numbers on the number pad are now active?
d. Why do you think the other numbers are grayed out?
Jawaban : bilangan yang berwarna buram membuktikan bahwa bilangan tersebut tidak aktif untuk binery. Karena bilangan pada binery hanya 0 dan 1. 
e. Click on the Hex (Hexadecimal) mode radio button. 
f. Which characters on the number pad are now activated?
Jawaban : karakter yang aktif pada bilangan hexadecimal adalah: 
g. Click on the Dec radio button. Using your mouse, click on the number 1 followed by the number 5 on the number pad. The decimal number 15 has now been entered. Click on the Bin radio button.
h. What happened to the number 15 listed in the textbox at the top of the window? 
Jawaban : Ketika decimal aktif saya mengetikan angka 15 kemudian saya tukar dengan Binery maka angka 15 berubah menjadi 1111. 
i. By selecting different modes, numbers are converted from one number system to another. Select Dec mode again. The number in the window converts back to decimal. Select the Hex mode. 
j. Which hexadecimal character (0 through 9 or A through F) represents decimal 15? 
Jawaban : pada Hexadecimal yang mempresentasika 15 adalah F 
k. Clear the number 15 in the window. Select Dec mode again. Not only can the mouse be used to enter numbers, but the numerical keypad on the keyboard as well as numbers on the keyboard can also be used. Using the numerical keypad to the right of the ENTER key, type the number 22. Note that if the number does not enter into the calculator, press the Num Lock key to enable the numeric keypad. While the number 22 is showing in the calculator, use the number keys across the top of the keyboard to add a 0 to the number 22 (220 should now be on the calculator). Select the Bin radio button. 
l. What is the binary equivalent of 220? J
Jawaban : Decimal 220 equivalent dengan 11011100 pada binery
m. Clear the number 220 in the window. From Binary mode, type in the following binary number: 11001100. Select the Dec radio button. 
n. What is the decimal equivalent to the binary number of 11011100? 
Jawaban : Binery 11011100 equivalent dengan 220 Decimal
o. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary.

Decimal Binery
86 1010110
175 10101111
204 11001100
19 10011

p. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal.

Decimal Binery
11000011 195
101010 42
111000 56
10010011 147

Step 3: Convert host IP addresses 
a. Computer hosts usually have two addresses, an Internet Protocol (IP) address and an Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) address. For the benefit of humans, the IP address is normally represented as a dotted decimal notation, such as Each of the decimal octets in the address or a mask can be converted to 8 binary bits. Remember that the computer only understands binary bits. If all 4 octets were converted to binary, how many bits would there be?
Jawaban : jika jumlah semua ada 4 oktet maka ada 32 bit yang terbentuk karena 1 oktet terdiri dari 8 bits.
b. IP addresses are normally shown with four decimal numbers ranging from 0 to 255 and separated by a period. Convert the 4 parts of the IP address to binary.
Decimal Binary
192 11000000
168 10101000
10 00001010
2 00000010

c. Notice in the previous problem how the 10 converted to only four digits and the number 2 converted to only two digits. When IP addresses can have any number from 0 to 255 in each position, eight digits are normally used to represent each number. In the previous example, eight digits were needed to convert 192 and 168 to binary, but 10 and 2 did not need as many digits. Normally 0s are added to the left of the digits to have eight digits in binary for each IP address number. The number 10 would be shown as 00001010. Four extra zeros are added to the front of the other four binary digits.
d. On the calculator in Binary mode, enter the digits 00001010 and select the Dec radio button.
e. Which decimal number is equivalent to 00001010?
Jawaban : 00001010 ekuivalen dengan 10 pada decimal
f. Did adding “leading” zeros affect the number any?
Jawaban : Tidak karena 0 di depan tidak mempunyai pengaruh di dalam pengkonversian.
g. What would the number 2 (in the previous example) be if you were to make it eight digits?
Jawaban : karena pada IP address satu octet harus berisikan 8 digit bilangan biner.

Step 4: Convert host IP subnet masks 
a. Subnet masks, such as, are also represented as dotted decimal. A subnet mask will always consist of four 8-bit octets, each one represented as a decimal number. With the exception of decimal 0 (all 8 binary zeros) and decimal 255 (all 8 binary ones), each octet will have some number of ones on the left and some number of zeros on the right. Convert the 8 possible decimal subnet octet values to binary.
Decimal Binary
0 00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000
128 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000
192 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
224 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
240 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
248 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
252 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
254 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
255 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111

b. Convert the four parts of the subnet mask to binary.
Jawaban : 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
Step 5: Convert broadcast addresses 
a. Computer hosts and network devices use broadcast addresses to send messages to all hosts. Convert the following broadcast addresses.
Address Binery
IP broadcast255.255.255.255 11111111.1111111.11111111.11111111
MAC broadcastFF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF 11111111.1111111.11111111.11111111

Step 6: Convert IP and MAC addresses for a host 
a. Click the Start button, select Run, type cmd, and press Enter. From the command prompt, type ipconfig /all.
b. Make a note of the IP address and physical address (also known as a MAC address). IP Address:
Jawaban : 
IP addressnya adalah
MAC Address : 00-17-C4-23-43-FE 
c. Using the calculator, convert the four numbers contained in the IP address to binary.
Decimal Binary
192 11000000
168 10101000
193 11000001
71 01000111

d. The MAC or physical address is normally represented as 12 hexadecimal characters, grouped in pairs and separated by dashes (-). Physical addresses on a Windows-based computer are shown in a format of xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, where each x is a number from 0 to 9 or a letter from a to f. Each of the hex characters in the address can be converted to 4 binary bits which is what the computer understands. If all 12 hex characters were converted to binary, how many bits would there be? 
Jawaban : Jika ada 12 karakter hexadecimal maka akan ada 96 bilangan biner yang terbentuk. 
e. Convert each of the hexadecimal pairs to binary. For example, if the number CC-12-DE-4A-BD-88-34 was the physical address, convert the hexadecimal number CC to binary (11001100). Then convert the hexadecimal number 12 to binary (00010010) and so on. Be sure to add the leading zeros for a total of 8 binary digits per pair of hex digits.
Hexadecimal Binery
CC 11001100
12 00010010
DE 11011110
4A 01001010
BD 10111101
88 10001000
34 00110100

Step 7: Manipulate powers of 2 to determine the number of hosts on a network
a. Binary numbers use two digits, 0 and 1. When you calculate how many hosts can be on a subnetwork, you use powers of two because binary is being used. As an example, we have a subnet mask that leaves six bits in the host portion of the IP address. In this case, the number of hosts on that network is 2 to the 6th power minus 2 (because you need a number to represent the network and number that can be used to reach all the hosts—the broadcast address). The number 2 is always used because we are working in binary. The number 6 is the number of bits that are used for the host bits.  
b. On the calculator, in Dec mode, input the number 2. Select the x^y key, the key which raises a number to a power. Input the number 6. Click on the = key, press Enter on the keyboard, or press the = key on the keyboard—all give the total. The number 64 appears in the output. To subtract two, click on the minus (-) key and then the 2 key followed by the = key. The number 62 appears in the output. This means 62 hosts could be utilized.  
c. Using the previously described process, determine the number of hosts if the following number of bits are used for host bits.
No. of Bits Used forHosts No. of Hosts
5 30 hosts
14 16382 hosts
24 16777214 host
10 1022 hosts

d. Using a similar technique as learned previously, determine what 10 to the 4th power equals.
Jawaban : Hasilnya adalah 9998
e. Close the Windows Calculator application.
Step 8: (Optional) Determine the network number and number of hosts based on subnet mask 
a. Given the IP network address of and a subnet mask of, determine the network portion of the address and calculate how many hosts can be created from host bits left.  
b. Start by converting the 4 octets of the decimal IP address to binary and then convert the decimal subnet mask to binary. Remember to include leading zeros when converting to binary in order to make a total of 8 bits per octet.
Decimal IP addressand subnet mask Binary IP address and subnet mask 10101100.00010000.11001011.00111000 11111111.11111111.11111000.00000000

c.Align the 32 bits of the subnet mask to the 32 bits of the IP address and compare them. The bits in the IP address that align with the ones bits in the subnet mask represent the network number. What is the binary and decimal network number for this IP address? Determine the binary address first (include all 32 bits) and then convert it to decimal.
Binary network address:
Jawaban :
Decimal network address:
Jawaban :
d. How many ones bits are in the subnet mask?
Jawaban : Subnetmask = 2n = 23=8 
e. How many bits are left for host bits?  Jawaban : Host = 2n-2= 25-2= 30 f.  How many hosts can be created with the bits left? Jawaban : Host =2n-2= 211-2= 2046
Step 9: Reflection  a. List one other thing for which you might use the Windows Calculator scientific mode. It does not have to be related to networking. Jawaban : Windows Calculator dapat digunkan untuk operasi Matematika dan  operasi Gerbang logika.