Step 1: Install the wireless NIC driver
a. Insert the CD that contains the wireless NIC driver into the CD/DVD drive and install the driver according to the manufacturer recommendations. Most USB devices require that the driver be installed before the device is physically attached.
b. Who is the manufacturer of the wireless NIC? Answer will be hardware dependent.Jawaban: WLAN IEEE 802.11 g oleh Linksys
c. Describe how you installed the wireless NIC driver. Answer will be student dependent
a. Mode Infrastruktur
1. Konfigurasi Access Point( Wireless Adapter dan Instalasi Access Point)
2. Konfigurasi Client
3. Konfigurasi USB Wireless Adapter( Instalasi Usb Wireless Adapter, Koneksi ke Access Point Pada Linksys Network Monitor, danKoneksi ke Access Point Pada Windows)
b. Mode Ad-Hoc
1. Aktifkan Wireless adapter masing – masing komputer yang akan dihubungkan dengan jaringan
2. Klik kanan pada icon Network Wireless Connection pada taskbar, lalu pilih View Available Wireless Networks,
3. Klik Change the order preferred Network maka akan muncul.
4. Klik Add pada kolom Preferred Network, lalu ketikkan Nama Network yang akan digunakan pada kolom Network Name. contoh nama SSID Broadcasternya adalah Ad Hoc.
5. Klik Ok
6. Klik refresh Network list maka akan muncul koneksi Ad-Hoc dengan nama SSID Ad Hoc.
7. Kemudian pilihlah opsi Change advance setting maka Klik 2 kali pada opsi internet protoco(TCP/IP) maka akan muncul gambar selanjutnya.
8. Kemudian setting pada masing masing komputer dengan IP address yang berbeda dengan aturan 192.168.1.xxx dengan xxx adalah sesuai angka yang diharapkan dalam range 1s/d 254. misal (
9. tentukan Subnet mask-nya dengan untuk membentuk jaringan lokal. Kosongkan gateawaynya
10. Klik ok untuk verifikasi.
11. Tes koneksi dengan command PING pada command prompt,bila terhubung maka komputer komputer tersebut siap berkomunikasi dalam jaringan Ad-Hoc secara Pear to pear.
Step 2: Install the wireless NIC
a. When prompted, connect the USB NIC cable to an available USB port. Click Next to continue.
Step 3: Attach to the wireless network
a. Most wireless NIC adapters have client software to control the NIC. The software shows any wireless networks that are discovered. Select the SSID of the wireless network that you configured on the AP in a previous lab.
b. Which SSID are you using? Answer is student/network.
Jawaban : linksys
c. If the wireless NIC did not connect to the wireless network, perform the appropriate troubleshooting.
d. What is the signal strength for the wireless NIC? Answer is hardware dependent.
Jawaban : linksys
e. Did the wireless NIC see any other wireless networks in the area? Why or why not? Answer is lab dependent and on how many students are in the lab at once.
Jawaban : Ya. Karena dikampus saya banyakk sinyal wireless yg aktif
f. Show your active wireless connection to a fellow student or the lab assistant.
g. What is another name for a wireless host?
Jawaban : Elektronika1, Elektronika 2, Linksys e57, Elektro UNP.
h. Is it better to use the client software from the wireless NIC manufacturer or let Windows XP control.
Jawaban: Ya.
i. The wireless NIC? It is better to use client software to control the wireless NIC.
Jawaban: Ya karena cukup mudah dikonfigurasi.
Step 4: Determine the NIC driver version
a. Hardware manufacturers continually update drivers. The driver that ships with a NIC or other piece of hardware is frequently not the most current.
b. To check the driver version for the NIC you installed, click Start, select Control Panel and then Network Connections. Right-click on the wireless connection and select Properties. Click the Configure button for the NIC and then the Driver tab. What is the name and version of the driver you installed? Answer is hardware dependent.
Jawaban : Linksys version
Step 5: Determine if the NIC driver is the most current
a. Search the NIC manufacturer web site for drivers that support the wireless NIC you installed. Are there more current ones available? Very possibly
Jawaban : Ya.
b. What is the most current one listed? Answer is hardware dependent
c. If there is a more current driver, how would you apply it? Download the driver to a known location on the hard drive and use the Update Driver option from the network connection properties screen.
Jawaban : tidak mendonloadnya karena dapat membuat ke aslian dari software yang sedang dipakai/terinstal terdeteksi dan akan menyebabkan software yang telah terinstal jadi tidak optimal kerjanya.
Step 6: Verify connectivity
a. Once you have installed the NIC, it is time to verify connectivity with the Linksys WRT300N.
b. Open a web browser such as Windows Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
c. In the address line type, which is the default setting on the AP.
d. In the Connect to dialog box, leave the username text box empty, and type admin in the password text box. Leave the Remember my password checkbox unchecked. Click OK.
e. If you receive the Linksys Setup screen, you have established connectivity with the AP. If you do not establish connectivity, you will have to troubleshoot the connection by checking to ensure the devices are turned on and the IP addresses on all devices are correct. Which IP address should be configured on the wireless NIC?Answer should be an IP address in the network
Step 7: Reflection
a. Do you think the process of setting up a wireless network at a food store or book store is any different from what you just did? Why or why not?. Answer will be student dependent, but they should see that it is no different.
Jawaban : Tidak. Bias saja sama jika menggunakan software yang sama. Pada dasarnya setiap software wireless yang beredar dipasaran itu sama saja hanya interfacenya saja yang sedikit berbeda.
b. Do you think the AP model that you are using would be sufficient for the food store in your neighborhood? Why or why not? Answer is student’s own opinion.
Jawaban: Ya. IP addressnya harus berbeda, tidak boleh sama.
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