Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Lab 2.1.3 Creating a Project Plan

Step 1: Evaluate the current network, operations, and network management infrastructure
a. Use word processing software to create a Project Plan Checklist document based on this lab.
b. From the case study, document, identify, and assess the current state of the following factors:
  • Physical facilities: Pada kapasitas / peluang untuk tumbuh
  • Environmental facilities: Pada kapasitas / peluang untuk tumbuh
  • Electrical facilities: Pada kapasitas / peluang untuk tumbuh
For each factor, indicate whether it is at capacity or has scope for growth. Include these factors on the checklist with your assessment.
c. Assess the ability of the current operations and network management infrastructure to support a new technology solution. On the checklist, list the following categories and include what changes must be completed before the implementation of any new technology solution.
  • Infrastructure
  • Personnel
  • Processes
  • Tools
d. Identify and add to the checklist any custom applications that may be required for the new network.

Step 2: Outline the project plan
a. To manage the project, the project plan includes five components. List these five components and an example of each, and then add them to the checklist.
1) Tasks· (Install wireless Access Points, mengkonfigurasikan  router)
2) Timelines and critical milestones· (kalender atau chart)
3) Risks and constraints· (Temporary loss of services, budget)
4) Responsibilities· (alokasi tugas)
5) Resources required: (pengkabelan, perlengkapan, waktu, keterampilan khhusus)
b. The plan needs to be within the scope, cost, and resource limits established by the business goals.
List any potential issues that the FilmCompany may have to consider to meet these goals, and then add them to the checklist.
Sumber dana untuk membiayai proyek.
Apa yang dapat dicapai dalam batas waktu yang ada?
c. The FilmCompany and the stadium management need to assign staff to manage the project from each of their perspectives. List the desirable skills and knowledge that these individuals should possess, and then add them to the checklist.
Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik
Keterampilan organisasi dan perencanaan yang baik
Pengetahuan layanan jaringan yang up to date
Pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknis jaringan sekarang
d. Save your Project Plan Checklist document. You will use it during the next stages of this network design case study.

Step 3: Reflection
Sometimes apparent urgency, pressure to present results, and enthusiasm for a project can create a work environment that causes projects to be started before proper planning has been completed.
Consider and discuss the potential problems that result from starting a network upgrade before completely assessing the existing network.
Peralatan baru yang mungkin tidak kompatibel dengan peralatan yang ada.
Infrastruktur jaringan yang ada mungkin dapat menjalankan layanan baru.
Peralatan baru yang tidak perlu bisa dibeli.
Hilangnya layanan jaringan mungkin terjadi ketika upgrade berlangsung.
Waktu dan anggaran keuangan dapat melebihi batas.

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